There is no effective treatment for mesothelioma. But good treatment outcome in patients with early stage of mesothelioma.
Most people use a combination therapy, called multimodal therapy. Handling classics such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy less effect on curing diseases and life skills. Pleuropneumonektomi radical surgery such as; as single-modality treatment, also showed no improvement on life skills. But management trimodaliti with pleuronektomi ekstrapleural and adjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical external radiation to be hemitoraks help the ability to live up to 5 years by 45% for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma of epithelial limited and there is no spread to the mediastinum. But radical action is intended only for a particular patient.
Radiotherapy can not cure, but it is usually used to prevent further infiltration of the tumor and treat chest pain. Chemotherapy did not work, either act alone or in combination with other measures. To improve the ability of malignant pleural mesothelioma survival, new therapeutic strategies try to use the base immunotherapy or gene therapy. Gamma interferon is used intrapleura results are quite good in limited-stage disease.
Mechanism of action of antitumor of gamma interferon is a complex, inter alia: (1) direct antiproliferative effect on
tumor cells, (2) pleural macrophage activation into cytotoxic to tumor cells, and (3) activation of T lymphocytes and natural killer cells by cytokines released by the macrophages.
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