Friday, January 31, 2014

Nutritional Needs to Prevent Premature Aging |

Nutritional Needs to Prevent Premature Aging |

Being old human is something that is reasonable and natural.
However, not we do not care about the health and beauty of skin. The
secret to always look fresh and youthful lies in diet. 

Pentingnya Nutrisi Untuk Mencegah Penuaan Dini |

Pentingnya Nutrisi Untuk Mencegah Penuaan Dini |

Manusia yang menjadi tua adalah sesuatu yang wajar dan alami.
Akan tetapi, bukan kita tidak peduli dengan kesehatan dan kecantikan
kulit. Rahasia untuk selalu terlihat segar dan awet muda sebenarnya
terletak pada pola makan. Pola makan yang teratur dan sehat dapat
membantu Anda untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan bahkan bisa mencegah
proses penuaan dini. Lalu, makanan apa sajakah yang dapat membantu Anda
untuk mencegah penuaan dini. Simak beberapa rangkuman dibawah ini.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wow! Actually Banana Peel Has Many Benefits |

Wow! Actually Banana Peel Has Many Benefits |

Banana is a plant that can be
used entirely for us. Starting from the stems, leaves, fruit and the
peel. Do you know what are the benefits of banana peel? Here's a banana
peel benefits to our lives.

Ternyata Kulit Pisang Memiliki Banyak Manfaat Lho |

Ternyata Kulit Pisang Memiliki Banyak Manfaat Lho |

Pisang adalah tumbuhan yang
bisa dimanfaatkan seluruhnya untuk kita. Mulai dari batang, daun,
buahnya bahkan kulitnya. Tahukah kamu apa saja manfaat kulit pisang?
Berikut manfaat kulit pisang bagi kehidupan kita.

Monday, January 20, 2014

5 Diet Foods are Not Good for Health

Jakarta, - Yummy in the middle of enjoying
delicious food, there are things to watch out for so that the intake of
foods that we consume is good for health. If it is overdone then someone
would think to go on a diet to reduce fat content that comes from the
food we eat. Diet for the sake of health indeed well done. A whole range
of diet have to do each to go on a diet, for example by eating a
variety of foods and drinks that have been labeled ' for ' diet that
many circulating in supermarkets and food stores – shops. But you should
still be vigilant, if food intake in diet consumption wrong, then it
will become a threat for your health.

News and Information | Sigmanews

News and Information | Sigmanews

Jakarta, - No human being was ever sleepy, all men must have experienced drowsiness such thing. Sleepiness is felt not only at night alone, sleepiness during the day could come even in the morning.

The most uncomfortable was sleepiness in the morning, while it is work, school or other moderate activity. Drowsiness came in the morning to make us not a spirit.

Here are some tips that may be in your try to eliminate sleepiness in the morning.

Get up early in direct sunlight

Rays of the rising sun between the hours of six to nine in the morning has been proven many benefits for the body. According to a study conducted at the University of Liege, people who get up early and regular exposure to sunlight will have blood circulation smooth and easy to concentrate.

Besides waking up in the morning can also make the body feel more fit and make sleep time will be proportional.

Breakfast in the morning

If you want to leave the habit of drinking too much coffee, do not forget to breakfast in the morning. Because if we did not have breakfast in the morning, at noon time we will definitely eat more portions and it will be able to make us sleepy.

Familiarize yourself with the morning activities begin choosing the right breakfast, breakfast is proper protein foods and high fiber such as yogurt, fruit and a glass of milk. With breakfast foods and drinks that will make the body stronger and refreshed throughout the day.

Do a light massage

According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, a light massage on the temples can increase stamina and makes the body awake after waking.

There is a 5 point massage that can stimulate the body to not fast asleep, the first at the top of the head, thumb and telunjut, the right of the area below the center of the kneecap, ankle and below the base of the neck.


When waking up in the morning, the human blood circulation is not pumping properly. Therefore, make it a habit to do a little exercise. Because ritual exercise can increase endorphin hormone and keep the blood flowing smoothly.

A psychologist Thomas Plante had said that morning exercise can relieve fatigue more effectively than with a glass of espresso coffee.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

3 Jenis Teh ini Bisa Menurunkan Berat Badan - Sigmanews

3 Jenis Teh ini Bisa Menurunkan Berat Badan - Sigmanews

Jakarta, - Dari jaman dahulu kala, teh sudah dikenal sebagai minuman yang dapat menjaga kesehatan dan juga dapat menurunkan berat badan. Akan tetapi, tidak semua jenis teh yang dapat membuat berat badan menjadi turun, hanya ada beberapa jenis teh yang mempunyai khasiat untuk menurunkan berat badan. Berikut ini ada 3 jenis teh yang dapat menurunkan berat badan, mari kita simak.
Teh Peppermint
Bagi Anda yang susah untuk mengontrol nafsu makan, minum teh peppermint merupakan solusi yang tepat. Teh pepermint termasuk teh yang ringan dan membantu Anda membakar lebih banyak kalori. Teh ini dapat diminum dingin atau panas. Jika tidak ada teh peppermint, Anda dapat mencampur daun teh kering dan daun peppermint, baik yang masih segar ataupun yang kering. Lalu seduh keduanya dan minum.
- See more at:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Heres 4 Causes of High Cholesterol - Sigmanews

Heres 4 Causes of High Cholesterol - Sigmanews

Inilah Empat Penyebab Kolesterol Tinggi - Sigmanews

Inilah Empat Penyebab Kolesterol Tinggi - Sigmanews

Saat level kadar kolesterol di tubuh menjadi tinggi, hal itu akan menyebabkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah dan berbagai macam penyakit jantung. sekarang, ancaman penyakit kolesterol  sering kita temui di masyarakat. Apakah penyebabnya? - See more at:

Saat level kadar kolesterol di tubuh menjadi tinggi, hal itu akan menyebabkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah dan berbagai macam penyakit jantung. sekarang, ancaman penyakit kolesterol  sering kita temui di masyarakat. Apakah penyebabnya? - See more at:
Saat level kadar kolesterol di tubuh menjadi tinggi, hal itu akan menyebabkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah dan berbagai macam penyakit jantung. sekarang, ancaman penyakit kolesterol  sering kita temui di masyarakat. Apakah penyebabnya? - See more at:
Saat level kadar kolesterol di tubuh menjadi tinggi, hal itu akan menyebabkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah dan berbagai macam penyakit jantung. sekarang, ancaman penyakit kolesterol  sering kita temui di masyarakat. Apakah penyebabnya? - See more at:
Saat level kadar kolesterol di tubuh menjadi tinggi, hal itu akan menyebabkan penyumbatan pembuluh darah dan berbagai macam penyakit jantung. sekarang, ancaman penyakit kolesterol  sering kita temui di masyarakat. Apakah penyebabnya? - See more at:

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Eliminate Cold Drinking Habits Can Reduce Diabetes Risk - Sigmanews

Eliminate Cold Drinking Habits Can Reduce Diabetes Risk - Sigmanews

For you who frequently cold drink, preferably should be careful not to consume too many iced drinks, because there is research that tells that there is a correlation between the likelihood of a cold drink with diabetes.